Nuhadra (#Duhok), 9 February, 2015 – With the support of the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), the Assyrian Aid Society of America (AAS-A) and the Assyrian Aid Society of Iraq continue to provide humanitarian aid to the internally displaced families in northern Iraq. Dr. Chris Seiple, President of IGE, along with AAS-A Directors, Mona Malik and Peter Bityou, visited the province of Duhok on February 9, 2015 to assess the dire situation of the displaced Assyrians. This aid distribution included kerosene oil and food baskets to nearly 2,000 displaced families.
IGE, AAS-A and AAS-I President, Ashur Eskrya, also visited the site of the 1933 Simele massacre and placed wreaths on the graves of the Assyrian martyrs.
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