Founded in San Francisco in November 1991, the Assyrian Aid Society of America (AASA) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as designated by the United States Internal Revenue Service. AAS-A is a California nonprofit corporation in good standing.

AASA is governed by a Board of Directors. All Directors are volunteers and receive no salary.

The AASA national office is located in Berkeley, California, with chapters in Chicago, Los Angeles, California’s Central Valley (Modesto-Turlock) and Santa Clara Valley (San Jose), Arizona, Michigan, and Washington, D.C..

Supported primarily by individual donations, AASA is a volunteer organization with only one paid administrative employee.

In FY2022, 93 cents of every dollar donated to AASA went directly to AASA humanitarian projects.

The organization’s annual IRS tax filings since 1991 can be found here.