GivingTuesday 2021. AASA and YOU, working together.
GivingTuesday is an international day of charitable giving on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving Day, kicking off the Christmas holiday season in its most true and most blessed spirit.
We hope at least a portion of your season of giving will be to the Assyrian Aid Society of America so that we can continue to give needed education, medical, and rebuilding assistance to our sisters and brothers in the Homeland.
This year, AASA and AAS-Iraq are partnering with the villagers of Kashkawa in the Nahla region to complete a 100 meter (328 feet) concrete farming water irrigation channel. This project must be implemented before the heavy winter snow causes soil erosion and delays the spring farming season. These Assyrian Kashkawa farmers will not only contribute to 50% of the cost, but they will also provide the labor.
The villagers are asking us to help raise the remainder of the cost of only $5,000.